Welcome to SoMK!

Welcome citizens to Society of Mythical Kingdoms!

We're more than thrilled to have you on our site! If you seem to have any sort of questions, you can ask your Kingdom Monarch as they are there to answer any questions you may have!

Also, if you'll look in your Bird Messages, you'll have a message from the Queen of Kingdoms, and it should answer some basic questions you might have.

Lastly, any profile questions can be brought to the Head Chronicler!

We hope you enjoy our site!
Open Jobs
Open Positions:
> Knights (5, 1 for each Kingdom)
> Cheerleaders (6 needed)
> Reporters for The Royale Register and Kingdom Whispers (7 members for each)
> Emissaries (7 needed)
> Library Helpers (4 needed)
> Chronicle Team (4 needed)
> Painters (8 needed)

July 2024


All the events Other

Past events