Welcome to SoMK!

Welcome citizens to Society of Mythical Kingdoms!

We're more than thrilled to have you on our site! If you seem to have any sort of questions, you can ask your Kingdom Monarch as they are there to answer any questions you may have!

Also, if you'll look in your Bird Messages, you'll have a message from the Queen of Kingdoms, and it should answer some basic questions you might have.

Lastly, any profile questions can be brought to the Head Chronicler!

We hope you enjoy our site!
Open Jobs
Open Positions:
> Knights (5, 1 for each Kingdom)
> Cheerleaders (6 needed)
> Reporters for The Royale Register and Kingdom Whispers (7 members for each)
> Emissaries (7 needed)
> Library Helpers (4 needed)
> Chronicle Team (4 needed)
> Painters (8 needed)

June 2024


Guidelines of SoMK
Updated: 11/6/2022

Society of Mythical Kingdoms
Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.

Basics of SoMK

Society of Mythical Kingdoms is a text-based roleplaying site based off Fairytales/Alice in Wonderland/Once Upon A Time and fandoms relating to those as well! Our site takes place in the 2040's, meaning it's in the future and it takes setting in the Royal Academy- an academy created for citizens to come and live your life as a Royal and become a hero or Rebel and become a villain.

You all start off as a 14 year old, the age that you'd usually enter highschool. You will complete 7 years of classes in order to become a Graduate, which'll be around 21 years old if everything is done correctly.

Lastly to the basics, you all get to choose a kingdom that you'll originate from and these options are: Camelot, Arendelle, Misthaven, Agrabah, and Wonderland. In order to get your Kingdom displayed on your profile, you'll message the preferred Kingdom Monarch of which kingdom you'd like to be from.

Special Abilities/Items

Universal Abilities (These may be used for your character, if you win it in a competition):

Shapeshifting (Limited to normal animals) - This ability allows the user to turn into any animal they please, that isn't mythical.

Wielder of Time Magic - This ability allows the user control of time, but it's limited to an extent. They can slow and speed up time for an hour, they can also speed up or slow down aging processes in nature, animals, or even themselves.

Wielder of Necromancy - This ability allows the users to manipulate the dead.

Wielder of Light Magic - This ability allows the user to control and manipulate light.

Biokinesis - This status allows the user to manipulate their own appearance.

Species Origins (These may be used for your character, if you win it in a competition then you'll recieve a list of abilities that go with the species of your choice):







Special Items (These may be used for your character, if you win it in a competition):

Owner of Book of Forbidden Spells

Owner of a Talking Fox

Owner of a Dire Wolf

Owner of a Baby Unicorn

Owner of a Baby Pegasus

Owner of a Baby Hellhound

Owner of a Baby Hippogriff

Owner of an Enchanted Sword

Owner of a Magic Mirror

Owner of a Poison Apple

Owner of a Voodoo Doll

Special Kingdom Abilities/Items

Arendelle: Wielder of Ice Magic, Animal Whisperer, Owner of a Wolf Companion

Misthaven: Owner of a Talking Bird, Enchanter, Mind Manipulation

Camelot: Owner of an Enchanted Bow, Impenetrable Skin, Spirit of a Lion

Agrabah: Owner of a Genie, Owner of a Flying Carpet, Wielder of Sand Magic

Wonderland: Owner of a "Drink Me" Potion, Owner of "Eat Me" Cookies, Descendant of Chesire Cat

Starting Magic

On Society of Mythical Kingdoms, everyone has a spark of magic in them! When starting at the academy, you can choose a magic focus and you'll have to stick with that magic for the next 7 years of your education at the Royal Academy. In order to pick your magic, just message Anatasia Hope and Lily Newmont.

Fire Magic:
Year 1: Create small fire balls, resistant to fire
Year 2: Summon small fire bursts
Year 3: Control fire from sources
Year 4: Better control of fire in the Sun
Year 5: Able to summon fire from thin air and create small explosions
Year 6: Summon medium-sized fire balls, create bigger fire blasts, able to redirect/control lightning
Year 7: Can use all abilities effortlessly

Earth Magic:
Year 1: Create small plants and flowers
Year 2: Able to sense vibrations around them for up to 10 miles
Year 3: Knowledge of plants by touching them
Year 4: Can grow small trees and move around small/medium sized rocks
Year 5: Able to grow crops and sense/control precious gems
Year 6: Can move around larger sized rocks and grow trees/fruit trees
Year 7: Can use all abilities effortlessly

Air Magic:
Year 1: Can create small gusts of wind
Year 2: Can levitate small objects
Year 3: Able to make ropes of air
Year 4: Can make themselves float up to 10 feet off the ground
Year 5: Can make a small hurricane
Year 6: Can create huge gusts of wind to knock opponents down
Year 7: Can use all abilities effortlessly

Water Magic:
Year 1: Able to make and move small amounts of water and underwater breathing
Year 2: Heal small cuts with water and can create small water streams
Year 3: Will be able make water spirals around people
Year 4: Able to create water from the air around them and control water in all forms (This IS NOT Ice Magic!)
Year 5: Can solidify water (not ice) and use it as a weapon
Year 6: Can use big gusts of water in combat
Year 7: Can use all abilities effortlessly


At the Royal Academy, you have to pass 7 years of classes in order to become a graduate. Each year, you have to pass 6 different classes with a C minimum.

In your first year, you're offered 13 classes that you can take up until your seventh year and those classes are: Royal Etiquette, Home Economyths, Combat, Weaponry, Creatures 101, Diplomacy, Anatomy, Astrology & Astronomy, Dramatic Arts, Ability Training, Tall Tale Studies, Hero 101, and Villainy 101. Hero 101 and Villainy 101 are two courses offered in your first year, but they only last for 2 years as they are to help you decide which path you'd like to take

In your third year, Enviromental Science and Creative Writing will be introduced until your seventh year.

In your fourth year, Mythology, Fashion Design, and Enhanced Ability Training will be introduced until your seventh year.

Lastly, in your fifth year, you'll get introduced to Crownculus and Geografairy and they'll last two years until your seventh year.

Grad Classes

Once you graduate from the Royal Academy, you have to get a job in the real world eventually! We offer courses you can take after you graduate and if you pass all the lessons, you can even get a job status relating to the class displayed on your profile. These are the courses we offer:

Advanced Art ( Dancer, Artists, Singer, Actor - 4 year)
Journalism (Reporter, Content Editor, Journalist, Paper Editor, Publisher - 4 year)
Physical Education (Professional Sports Player, Trainer, Commentator - 4 year)
Business Management (Business Owner/Owner of Your Own Business - 2 year)
Trading (Trader, Merchant - 3 year)
Agriculture (Farmer, Gardener, Florist - 2 year)
Crafting (Crafter, Sculptor - 4 year)
Medicine and Biology (Doctor, Pharmacist, Nurse, Paramedic - 4 year)

And we're open to adding more, just shoot Lily Newmont a message with your ideas as long as they relate to the site and it's fandom.
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